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Membership Agreement
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The People Are the Solution
The People Restored is a community of like-minded individuals that share and act on the following values and beliefs:
American Exceptionalism
We believe that the United States of America—through its pioneer spirit and reliance upon natural rights enshrined in its Constitution—is the most successful experiment in creating opportunity and happiness for its people in human history. We see natural rights as immutable and protect them in our community.
Divine Law
We believe that there is a divine and benevolent Creator. This Creator provides insight of objective truth to mankind. We believe that comprehending and adhering to this objective truth is the path to happiness. We live lives according to objective morality and we acknowledge our dependence on that Creator. We speak openly of faith.
Free Markets
We believe that voluntary exchange of resources, services, and ideas is essential to an enterprising and innovative society. We believe that the greatest security comes from protecting that freedom. As such we believe that restrictions, regulations, and taxation on markets should be minimized and removed where possible.
We exchange in voluntary commerce with one another. We work to ensure the products and services of our labor are above reproach to build a high-trust marketplace.
We believe that the traditional family—father, mother, son, and daughter—is the fountainhead from which community, commerce, and civilization spring. Strong families are built by those who honor their ancestral heritage and are determined to build a future for their posterity.
Divinely designed, the stewardship of parenthood is immutable. The masculine protector/provider father, and the feminine nurturing mother are both essential to a happy, successful family.
In our community, a family household is seen as a member unit. Those in our community work to build harmonious homes. We support parents in governing and raising their children.
We believe that dependence on centralized and fragile international supply chains puts the security of our resources in jeopardy. Excessive debt and pursuit of luxury weaken our ability to be independent and provide for a more secure future.
From our interactions as a community, within our families, and in our businesses, we pursue a self-reliant lifestyle to combat the growing uncertainty in our world. We support and participate in member resource development and food production.
We believe that peace is maintained when the members of a community take it upon themselves to maintain tranquility. We also believe that the authority to govern is derived from the consent of the governed. In order to maintain security and freedom, households and businesses must maintain the capabilities and tools they deem necessary to protect themselves, their property, their families, and their communities. In our community, we maintain the training and tools necessary to protect the peace and respond to emergencies.
“Blessed are the peacemakers…'' We believe that fomenting antagonistic contention only fans the flames of hatred and suffering. That said, we believe that virtue and our families are worth defending. Being a peacemaker does not mean submitting to evil.
We are a peaceful people. When we are in a disagreement or confrontation we utilize methods that are conciliatory and persuasive. We are not vengeful or retaliatory.
Good Samaritan
We believe that good deeds are integral to a thriving community. Personal ownership in one’s community to cultivate it and help its members is as beneficial to the member as it is to their community. We act for the benefit of others. We build to benefit future generations. We are charitable.
1. Our Community
The People Restored seeks to build private and independent solutions that enable life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and its shared values set forth above to thrive. The People Restored is a private member community of individuals, families, professionals, and entities who share vision and beliefs and work together to accomplish these purposes. Throughout this document, The People Restored is referred to by “TPR”, the “Community”, or “we”, “us” or “our”. Members who sign this Agreement are referred to as a “Member”, “you”, or “your”.
This document sets forth the agreement of the Members of the Community and the rights and responsibilities associated with membership (“Agreement”). By requesting membership in the Community, each Member acknowledges and agrees to the pledge, terms and conditions of this Agreement, on behalf of themselves and their immediate family members, and states that this Agreement reflects the Member’s vision and beliefs as well.
I understand the purpose of the Private Member Community.
Members of our Community all share the following vision and pledge:
Restore the People
The people—as individuals, families, and communities—are the answer, genius, and working capital that enable prosperity, happiness, and good to flourish. Our vision is to empower and restore the place of the people by building local communities that are able to make decisions for themselves in accordance with truth and natural law and natural rights, while adhering to our shared beliefs set forth above.
All of our Members pledge to do the following:
Speak openly of faith
Acknowledge our divine Creator
Build harmonious homes
Pursue a self-reliant lifestyle
Support living according to objective morality
Support and protect natural rights as immutable
Exchange in voluntary commerce with one another
Ensure the products and services of our labor are above reproach
Support parents in governing and raising their children
Support and participate in resource development and food production
Protect peace and respond to emergencies through proper tools and training
Act in peace by utilizing methods that are conciliatory in resolving conflict
Act with goodwill for the benefit of others
Work for the benefit of future generations
I agree to the Vision and Pledge of the Private Member Community terms.
As a Community, we strive to follow principles and requirements that help us each follow our beliefs, vision, and pledge. These principles and requirements include, but are not limited to:
• Being honest and acting with integrity in dealings with others, both within the community and without;
• Living a moral life that follows the Judeo/Christian values;
• Accepting, at least partially, approved local currency as a payment for services;
• Support other member business and efforts by purchasing goods/services;
• Making our property a sanctuary that reflects our values;
• Work to become more self-reliant, including by taking steps to grow, raise, and store food;
• Maintain a high standard of quality and transparency in goods delivered and services rendered;
• Be a good citizen of the Community and interact in ways that builds trust, cooperation, and growth in the Community;
• Help educate others on the truths lived in the Community;
• Respect privacy and data privacy of Members in the Community, only utilizing data obtained in business as necessary for the business purposes;
• Health Practitioners have gifts of healing that they can utilize to help people know what is necessary to heal; and
• Parents have full authority, right, and expertise to make decisions for their families and their children.
I agree to the Principles and Requirements of the Community.
To join TPR and be an active Member of the Community, all Members of TPR must:
a. Pay the monthly or yearly membership fee that is set forth by the Community, as such may be updated or changed from time-to-time, payable to the Member entity designated by the Community to handle membership fees;
b. Pay for any other programs, meetings, or events that the Member or the Member’s child desires to utilize, as may be set forth in program, meeting, or event specific information;
c. Agree to and follow this Agreement and the Vision and Beliefs of the Community;
d. Participate in the Community, whether by sponsoring, hosting, or participating in Community Meetings or other collaborative efforts with the Community, or participating in or leading a Community program or event, at least twice per calendar year;
e. Maintain an active and working email account and phone number with the Community;
f. Interact with other Members in professional and appropriate ways, which includes without limitation, not using harassing, derogatory, or demeaning communications or actions, not using Member’s information for business purposes unrelated to the Community, and using truthful and accurate communications and representations in all interactions with Community Members; and
g. Refrain from conduct that harms or disparages the Community in any way.
If a Member violates any of these provisions, the Community may suspend the Member’s membership. If a Member does not correct the issue within 10 days of membership being suspended, their membership may be fully terminated and revoked by the Community. The Community is under no obligation to renew memberships and may elect to cease functioning at any point.
TPR is not a 501(c)(3), and each Member agrees to rely on their own tax professionals for the tax treatment of any donations or membership fees paid to TPR or any other fees paid to its Members
I agree to the Membership terms of the Private Member Community.
TPR is a community made up of its Members. A family (father, mother, and children), business, or individual without a family count as a Member unit. Members may join or leave the Community at any time. Membership in the Community is limited, however, to those who believe in and support the shared vision and beliefs of the Members and the Community’s purposes, and who follow the Community’s contribution and conduct expectations and rules. All Members must be approved by the Community prior to being admitted as a Member, and the Community reserves the right to deny admission to prospective members. By signing this Agreement, each Member acknowledges and agrees that they believe in, uphold, and seek to follow the shared vision and beliefs above.
TPR may terminate membership for any Member at any time, including for those that do not follow the shared vision and beliefs and the contribution expectations and rules related to membership. All Members recognize and agree that by associating and working together, they can better accomplish their shared vision and beliefs.
Meetings and Events
TPR believes that Members of the Community interact and collaborate together. The Community works to facilitate collaborative meetings and discussions of Members for the purpose of providing opportunities to learn from each other, get to know each other, and to support each other in individual or group endeavors (“Community Meetings”). These Community Meetings may be led by a Member, and Members can structure their own meetings, events, and other activities within the Community. In other words, all Members may lead, call for, set up, or participate in meetings with others, but no Member may call a Community Meeting without the consent of or delegation from the Community leadership. At all Community Meetings, Member sponsored meetings, gatherings, or programs, parents remain responsible for the actions, decisions, safety and welfare of themselves and their children and individuals are responsible for their own actions and decisions.
Food from Members
Members in the Community may elect to provide food, snacks, or other treats to Members and their children. The Community is not responsible for any food provided or distributed by Members to others, and each Member agrees to retain full responsibility to communicate any dietary needs to other Members, to instruct their own children about what food or edibles the child should or should not eat, and to understand that Members may elect to prepare food on their own. Each Member will be fully responsible for the food they elect to consume or allow their children to consume while interacting with the Community. Members authorize other Members to assist their children in assembling, opening, arranging, or placing food provided by the Member or others selected by the Member.
Rideshare Services
Members in the Community may elect to provide rides or rideshare type services to others in the Community, or they might have others not in the Community provide transportation for their children. The Community is not responsible for any liabilities that may arise as a result of Members giving, receiving, or otherwise providing rides for others in the Community. Any such rides or rideshares, whether paid, voluntary, or otherwise, are all conducted at the risk of the Member and the Member and the Member’s child(ren) agree to look solely to the insurance of the providing Member, or to the providing Member if there is no insurance in place, in the event of any accident, claim, or other liability that may arise. In the event of a claim or other liability from another not in the Community arising out of or connected to transportation of a Member’s child, the Member providing the rideshare or authorizing the transportation of the Member’s child(ren) agrees to indemnify and hold other Members harmless from any and all claims, damages, losses, judgments, or lawsuits associated with such transportation.
I understand the Community of Members terms of the Private Member Community.
6. Community Structure
The Community appoints The People Restored, LLC to receive membership dues and handle finances for the Community, including by paying expenses, taxes, and other items out of the income received.
Additionally, Members of the Community should view themselves as producers and needing to be a productive Member of the Community. Members remain free to structure private transactions with other Members. If a Member makes a payment to an individual or entity in the Community, the Community is not obligated to ensure that each Member fulfills the Member’s commitments to other Members as each transaction between Members is a separate transaction that does not receive individual oversight by the Community. In other words, Members agree to ensure that they have appropriately reviewed any transactions with other Members prior to undertaking such transactions.
The Community is not responsible to insure or guaranty that every Member fulfills all of their contracts or obligations they agree to undertake. Notwithstanding this, the Community may review transactions, situations, or interactions to determine if Members are complying with this Agreement in their interactions with each other or to resolve disputes pursuant to the dispute resolution procedures contained in this Agreement.
The Community is comprised of some “Initial Board Members” – Bobby Clayson, Phillip Taylor, and Helen Robson – that govern the Community and its affairs (“Board”). The Board is authorized to conduct all affairs for the Community and to appoint officers of the Community. Currently, while the Community is growing and establishing itself, Members do not vote on Community leadership. However, the Board may approve bylaws or other procedures for appointing officers and voting on additional individuals to serve in leadership roles.
Members recognize and agree that the Initial Board Members may serve on the Board for a fairly short to an extended period of time, potentially many years. The Board reserves the right to appoint other Board members in the event an Initial Board Member leaves the Community at any time, and this Agreement does not create any contract related to setting a term of employment for any Initial Board Member.
7. Governance
The Board is authorized to conduct all Community matters and to appoint officers, such as a Community Chair, Community Treasurer, Community Assistant, and other offices as the Board may determine appropriate from time-to-time (“Community Officer”). All Board decisions must be by majority vote of Board members. The Community shall maintain a list of Board members, and the Initial Board Members may appoint other individuals to serve on the Board as well at any time and for any duration. A decision to add a Board seat must be made by a majority of the then constituted Board. A Community Officer shall be appointed to provide notice to the Board members at least seven days in advance of any Board meeting. The Board may appoint one or more entities to serve in the role of receiving and reporting membership fees and other funds or assets transferred to the Community. Such entities will act as an agent for the Community for the limited purpose of holding funds or assets for the Community and reporting and expending such funds for Community purposes, as directed by the Board or the officers appointed by the Board.
The Board is also authorized to remove Board members who cease contributing, who pass away, or who are no longer an appropriate fit for the Board. The Board may set time limits for how long a Board member may serve, and Board members may be appointed for different lengths of time.
The Board may also create and establish advisory or sub-committees from time-to-time. The members of any advisory or sub-committee must also be a Member of the Community but may consist of Board members as well as non-Board members. Advisory committees may not exercise the authority of the Board to make decisions on behalf of the Community, but shall be limited to making recommendations to the Board or the Board’s authorized representatives and to implementing Board decisions and policies. Advisory committees are subject to the supervision and control of the Board, and may include committees such as Business, Agricultural, and Member advisory committees. Sub committees may be delegated Board authority to make decisions for the Community, subject to veto power of the Board.
Members within the Community are responsible to govern their own affairs, and the Community’s main purpose is not to direct individual choices. The Community’s purpose is to create a network and structure for Members to interact within, and if a Member does not approve of a network or structure or set of expectations, the Member is always free to conduct transactions outside of the Community. No Member is obligated to solely interact with the Community and its other Members and may have other businesses, practices, or pursuits outside of the Community.
The Board will provide a method for Members to submit requests, complaints, inquiries, or other concerns to the Board. The Board will provide a method to allow Members to appear before the Board (whether in person or electronically) so that Members can address their concerns, and such appearances may be limited to times when there are Board meetings that are open to the Members to attend. The Board may set dates and times for Members to appear, and the Board is not required to set meetings at specific times to accommodate Members’ schedules. The Board will listen to items presented and issue a response within a reasonable timeframe.
The Board also contracts with The People Restored, LLC for certain management and other services for the Community, and Board may delegate any responsibilities or duties it feels necessary to The People Restored, LLC.
8. Constitutional Rights
The Community and its Members assert their State and Federal Constitutional rights that the right of association and the right to self-regulate with private transactions and in private communities are fundamental rights protected as a constitutional right and left to the people. Further, the Community and its Members assert their State and Federal Constitutional rights to freely assemble and associate, to privately contract with each other, to speak without abridgement by the government, to live according to their beliefs about what is best for them, to direct and control that which they have ownership or other protected interests in, to be free of the control of power or authority outside the person or family that attempts to control health or healing decisions, to make their own health and healing decisions for themselves and for others, to make decisions on health and healings choices for themselves and their children based on beliefs related to the Community or based on other spiritual, personal, or emotional factors, to regulate their own private affairs and choices, to not be required to police the health or conduct of others, to allow other Members to follow the dictates of their conscience and beliefs in accordance with the shared vision and beliefs, and to otherwise interact in an association, community, or group of individuals who share a vision and beliefs.
Community Members fully believe that these rights are a fundamental constitutional right safeguarded in the various applicable constitutions that govern a Member, including in declarations within such constitutions that there are other, unenumerated rights retained by the people. Community Members fully believe that the government should not regulate or interfere in the core functions as parents or individuals electing the manner, form, location, size, or other factors in how themselves and their children’s health, education, or life decisions are best served.
Members also fully believe and maintain that the common law and the law of nature both dictate that these educational and health rights are fundamental rights, essential in the fabric of a constitutional republic. Individuals are individual because there is not one option that works for everyone, and there is no form of education or health that is proper for each person. Each individual needs the right and freedom to select for themselves how they nourish and cultivate their body and mind, and the Members in the Community have come together specifically to pursue and create a community focused on their shared vision and beliefs.
9. Complaints and Dispute Resolution
If a Member has a complaint about the Community or another Member, the Member should discuss his/her concern with the other Member directly. If that does not resolve the problem, each Member agrees to submit their complaint to the Board, or those appointed by the Board for reviewing complaints, for review and consideration. Each Member agrees that, to pursue the Community’s full potential, all complaints related to the Community or its Members should be directed to the Board or those appointed by the Board. All complaints must be submitted in the form and manner required by the Board.
Accordingly, all Members agree to process all complaints related to or associated with the Community or disputes between Members in the Community according to the dispute resolution procedures below. However, notwithstanding this section and this Agreement, the Members may refer criminal matters as necessary to the appropriate authorities having jurisdiction over the parties involved.
All Members consent to the jurisdiction of the Community to resolve all civil disputes arising between the Members or the Community. Such jurisdiction shall constitute ‘arbitration’ for purposes of laws that enable such alternative dispute resolution matters. The Community shall review complaints and determine if hearings are necessary or not to resolve the complaint. If necessary, the Board will appoint individuals to review the complaint who are not named in the complaint.
The Board will act within a reasonable time to investigate and review complaints. By being a Member of the Community and participating in its benefits, each Member consents to the complaint resolution that is issued by the Board or those appointed by the Board to resolve complaints. Each Member understands and agrees that they waive the right to a jury trial in a court of law or to have their disputes heard in court as it relates to disputes between Members. Members specifically consent and agree that the resolution to an issue may be docketed and enforced in a court of law under the rules for enforcing arbitration decisions.
The Board may from time-to-time establish rules and procedures for conducting hearings, taking evidence, and otherwise adjudicating complaints or disputes between Members. At the conclusion of a hearing or other action on a complaint, the Board will also indicate the party responsible for the costs of the hearing, investigation, or other work conducted to resolve the complaint. The Board may also indicate that the Community will cover the costs or that parties are required to contribute to the costs. The Board may hire or appoint arbitrators or other professionals as necessary to conduct investigations, hearings, or other resolution procedures, and may consult with legal professionals regarding the complaints. The Board may also choose to convene a jury of the Members to be involved with making determinations in dispute resolution proceedings. The Board may issue rules and procedures that govern the dispute resolution proceedings within the Community.
All costs associated with the dispute resolution proceedings may be assigned to parties involved in a dispute, and such assignment of costs will generally follow the party or parties at fault in a matter, unless there is good cause to assign costs otherwise. If a Member refuses to participate in arbitration, the arbitrator may enter default and a judgment or order against the non-participating Member after the arbitrator has listened to the facts of the situation (as presented by the participating Member(s)), but only to the extent the arbitrator feels that such facts presented warrant the default and judgment or order entered.
10. Amendments
The Board may, by majority vote, amend this Agreement from time-to-time. No amendments to this Agreement may be applied retroactively, but amendments to this Agreement or documents or rules established by the Community will be considered binding upon a Member once the amendments are posted on the Community’s website or designated forum for transmitting messages upon the earlier of the Member 1) paying a contribution or membership fee to the Community after the notice is posted, 2) participating in an educational activity or program, such as a Community Meeting, with the Community, 3) receiving or providing services to or from other Members in the Community, or 4) otherwise agreeing to the amendments.
All Members recognize and agree that it is their intent that the Community grow and change over time. Situations, society, culture, and technology are all changing at a rapid pace, and all Members anticipate that the structure, offerings, and details associated with the Community may need to change and adapt over time. Accordingly, all Members agree that they have no vested or ongoing interest in the Community remaining in a certain form or condition, and that they expect the Community to change and adapt as it works to achieve the vision and beliefs of the Members, so long as it adheres to its values and beliefs that define it.
Notwithstanding this, the Board may amend or update the values and beliefs of the Community if a majority of the Board approves the updates or changes to the values or beliefs of the Community. Members will be provided with at least 90 days’ notice of any changes to values or beliefs before such changes can take place.
11. Governing Law
This Agreement is governed by the natural law, common law, the U.S. and State Constitutions where the Member resides, and for contractual disputes, arbitration, and other matters governing the interpretation of this Agreement or the rights of the Members within the Community, pursuant to the laws of the State of Utah, without regard to the associated conflicts of laws principles. If, for some reason, a dispute cannot be resolved within the Community pursuant to the Community’s arbitration rules and litigation ensues, all Members agree that they must first submit their disputes to mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful and a court does not remand the lawsuit to the Community for arbitration as directed by this Agreement, then the Members agree that all disputes shall only be submitted in a court located in or serving Utah County, Utah, and all Members submit to the jurisdiction of such court and waive any defenses based on venue and agree that all actions should be transferred to such courts. Notwithstanding the above, each Member affirms their intention that this Agreement and the dispute resolution provisions stated above govern all disputes between them that arise during their time as members of the Community, whether the disputes are brought before or after a Member leaves the Community. The Members intend for this provision to apply even if they later stop sharing in the values or beliefs of the Community.
12. Privacy
The Community does not transfer or sell personal information to third-parties outside of the Community. Members within the Community may have access to some information about other Members, especially when a Member offers or provides services or provides or receives educational opportunities from other Members. The Community is not responsible to control the sharing of information between Members, but Members do commit to respect the privacy of other Members within the Community, and failure to do so by a Member may result in expulsion from the Community.
Further, the Community will strive to protect the confidentiality of the Members who join the Community from those outside of the Community, but Members authorize the Community to share information from time-to-time online, such as pictures of Members at Community gatherings. All Members grant the Community a release to post pictures of events, including without limitation Community Meetings, and those in attendance, including without limitation of themselves or their child(ren). All Members recognize and agree, however, that the government may, at times, compel an association or community to disclose Member lists or other information about Members. While associations and communities may, at times, successfully defend against certain disclosure situations, courts have compelled various groups and associations to provide a list of their members, even though constitutional and other rights may have been violated by such disclosure.
Accordingly, all Members fully release the Community from any liability associated with compelled disclosure of information. All Members agree that the Community is not obligated to keep any Members’ conduct confidential from appropriate or compelled government reviews and that the Community may respond as appropriate or necessary to government inquiries or demands.
Members agree to not voluntarily disclose to those outside the Community the identity, address, or contact information of individuals providing services, assets, locations, or other items to the Community unless such is necessary or appropriate as part of any criminal investigation.
13. Indemnification and Release
Responsibility for Own Actions
Each Member agrees to behave responsibly when interacting with the Community and the other Members and to be responsible for the Member’s own behavior. Accordingly, each Member agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Community and its other Members from conduct or wrongdoing (including without limitation negligence, reckless behavior, willful misconduct, criminal actions, actions that breach agreements, or actions that otherwise violate the law) of the Member that harms or causes liability to accrue to the Community or its other Members. Such obligations extend to indemnifying defense costs for the Community and its other Members for claims arising from the conduct or wrongdoing of the Member or the Member’s child(ren).
No Guarantee
The Community does not warrant or guarantee any set outcome, level of education, level of freedom or liberty, level of health or healing, or other particular result associated with joining the Community. Each Member accepts full responsibility to work and contribute to any outcome, level of education, level of freedom, or other particular result that they want to achieve, and each parent accepts full responsibility to provide for what they feel is necessary for their children. The Community believes that by working together, more can happen and better results can occur, but such belief does not guarantee any particular results.
Release of Community & Release of Certain Claims Against Other Members
As Members have agreed to be responsible for their own conduct and acknowledge that the Community does not warrant or guarantee any particular results or outcomes, each Member releases and discharges the Community from any and all claims and liability associated with conducting the Community Meetings, operations, activities, and events of the Community. In particular, each Member agrees to contribute to the Community by being responsible for the Member’s own conduct. Each Member releases the Community of any legal or other liability, and each Member agrees to not pursue claims or actions against other Members unless such claims or actions arise from breach of contract between the Members, willful or intentional misconduct, or criminal conduct. Specifically, Members waive claims against other Members for actions arising in negligence or other unintentional torts. For any items or types of liability that may not be waived related to tort law, the Members agree that the standard of care and duty to any Member or the Member’s child(ren) required of any particular Member is simply that of a fellow participant at a public park, where each Member retains the bulk of the duty and care required to protect themselves and their own child(ren).
Members agree that for any location at which they gather for events or programs, such as Community Meetings, it is not negligent for the property to not be maintained to commercial standards. Members agree that property they meet at may also have cement, wet surfaces, ice or snow, trees, and other items that have not been fully maintained or that may present a hazard at various times. Notwithstanding this, the Members all agree that they are individually responsible to mitigate any items they may feel pose a concern for them or their child(ren), that they each accept the responsibility to address items or concerns that they have for themselves or their children, and that it is not negligent for any others to not address such items. Members specifically release the property owners or those operating any program or Community Meetings from having any duty to maintain or address any items or hazards on the property they meet at, and agree to accept that responsibility for themselves and their child(ren) (but not for others in the Community). Members further agree that it is not negligent for a property owner or Member to undertake some remedial measures but not all remedial measures associated with a given condition or hazard.
Parental Obligations
The Community does not take the place of a parent and does not assume all potential responsibilities or liabilities associated with a Member’s child. Each Member parent agrees to fully provide for the needs of their children. In particular, Members agree to maintain proper insurance or other coverage for medical conditions for any and all accidents that may arise and for other health options, based on what each Member feels is necessary for them and their child(ren). The Community cannot assume the cost of insuring against all accidents, sickness, or other injuries or damages that may arise while a child is participating with the Community, as that would render the Community’s efforts far too costly. Each Member agrees that they contribute to the well-being of the Community by maintaining the responsibility to insure or pay for their own child’s health and other needs. The Community is not obligated to ensure that any Member parent has obtained any particular level of insurance.
Each Member also agrees to be responsible for all other care the Member’s own child(ren) may need. The Community does not enforce any particular health practices among the other Members who attend in the Community as the Community does not serve as a government officer or health officer. While Members of the Community will work to identify and help avoid bullying, the Community also cannot guarantee that there will be no situations that arise that a Member will need to address with their child(ren) to help them through, as children often need guidance from parents on interacting and responding to others in their environment.
Parent Members agree to work closely with the other Members and to inform of issues that come to a Member’s attention. Each Member agrees to help address behavior or other issues that arise with the Member’s own child(ren) that are raised or discussed with a Member. Each Member acknowledges the importance of helping their child(ren) learn to work with others, respect those teaching them, and respect those they learn with each day.
Members agree that it is not negligent for other Members to not mandate masks or other health measures. Specifically, Members agree that each Member accepts full responsibility to take any measures necessary for the health of themselves and their children and that others are not responsible to police their health or the health of their children. Members specifically assert their rights to not be conscripted as police officers or enforcers of government laws, regulations, or rules.
14. Legal Miscellaneous
If any portion of this Agreement is unenforceable for any reason, such unenforceable provision(s) may be severed from this Agreement and the remaining provisions still fully enforced. This Agreement binds the Member upon signing to the terms and conditions contained herein, as well to the updates and amendments that may be made to this Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the full agreement between the Community and Member, superseding and replacing any prior agreements or understandings, and there are no oral or other side agreements between the Community and Member signing below. The Member signing below is under no duress or coercion to sign this Agreement and has had opportunity to consult with counsel of the Member’s choosing.
The prospective Member signing below represents that the prospective Member has full authority to sign this Agreement and is doing so intending to be a part of the Community with the responsibilities associated with such membership.
15. Interactions with Other Communities
The Community anticipates that other communities will form and exist based on other potential beliefs, values, or principles. The Community specifically allows for subcommunities to be formed within the Community that add additional beliefs, values, or principles to their way of life. These subcommunities may focus on items such as religious freedom, education, Second Amendment rights, or other important rights, or they may revolve around other factors, such as professions or other shared beliefs.
In order to form a subcommunity that exists within TPR, the subcommunity members will also need to be Members of TPR and will need approval from the Board of TPR in order to form as a member of TPR. TPR may provide that a subcommunity’s agreement or governing documents alter or amend certain portions of this Agreement as it relates to that subcommunity only. For example, a subcommunity’s governing documents may be approved to have their own dispute resolution procedure that supersedes dispute resolution for items that are solely within that subcommunity.
For other communities that exist independent of TPR or its subcommunities, TPR, through its officer(s), may elect to enter into independent agreements with such external communities to help create synergies among private communities. Such agreements though may not supersede or replace any items in this Agreement.
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